
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring in the Aquaponics Greenhouse

This has been winter 3 in the greenhouse and I have to say that the fresh salad greens all year is by far my favorite part of the whole project.

 The fig tree is starting to bust out it's leaves, the volunteer avocado tree I dug out of the compost pile is growing fast and the flowers are a definite bright spot.

This really surprised me today when I found blossoms on the Gogi berry plants! Last year I bought one small plant and through out the summer I took cuttings of the new shoots, placed them to root in the gravel beds. Later this spring I will have about 8 plants to put out in the garden. I was definitely happy on how easily they rooted.

Hillside Garden Blank Canvas

In a few days spring will be here and our last frost date is less than 3 weeks away,
the hillside garden beds are ready!

 Fresh mulch in the paths, horse poo and organic matter mixed into the beds... glad that job is done!

We had a very mild winter here in the Pacific Northwest and the garden beds show it. Chard, perpetual spinach, kale, onions and garlic are already growing fast.

 In just a few weeks I am sure I will barely recognize these photos, the green will spread like wildfire.

Time to get out the shovel and the compost and garden!

When the ground soaks up the falling rain and bears a good crop for the farmer, it has God’s blessing. But if a field bears thorns and thistles, it is useless. The farmer will soon condemn that field and burn it.
Hebrews 6:7&8
(New Living Translation)