
Monday, May 27, 2013

Short grow house update

Well we have started on the grow house over the pond area and I think it is turning out very nice. We still have to put the roof panels on as soon as I can get them...hauling 12 foot long corrugated roof panels is beyond the capabilities of my Jeep so I am at the mercy of someone willing to be a go-for!  I also started on the grow beds that my wonderful kids got me for Mothers day, these will be Aquaponics grow beds. Gravel media beds on the top and I will add floating raft beds underneath for shade tolerant veggies such as lettuce.

 Enough for words...below is the pics!
Construction of the framework.

Framework, door and critter netting done with the Aquaponics getting started, lots of construction to go!

First media grow bed up and running! Just have to add the raft beds below and fix the permanent plumbing which I want hidden as much as possible.
The bell siphon was a lot easier that I thought it would be... thanks to lots of Youtube videos.

Potatoes and various starts grown in bags or pots "Growing Power" style with coconut coir and compost and I have to say the potatoes just love it!
 Growing Power is a non profit Aquaponics set up built in an old commercial warehouse in the middle of the city. For more info visit their website at

Before shot of the unfinished side of the grow house. I have a jungle of very happy veggies all fed with pond water.